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KODISJOKI, RaumaSatakunta

  • 4 persons, 45 m², 2 bedrooms
  • Pets allowed
  • Smoking not allowed

Star rating given by customers 3.4. Based on 73 reviews.

Accommodation information

12 km south of Rauma. Lake Isosaarnummijärvi 15 m (length 2 km, breadth 400 m), deep water, soft mud bottom. Wooden cabin 1979, kitchenette, living room, 2 bedrooms with 2 beds in each, dressing room, sauna, open veranda.


  • Electric lighting
  • Electric heating
  • Air source heat pump
  • Open fireplace
  • No waterpipe: water must be carried from the lake or well
  • You need to bring own drinking water
  • No shower
  • Wood-heated sauna
  • Outhouse
  • Electric hob and oven
  • Fridge
  • TV
  • Barbecue
  • Single cottage
  • Smoke detector in the living room
  • Carbon monoxide detector


  • Nearest lake/sea/river 15 m
  • Helsinki 300 km
  • Shop 5 km
  • Bus stop 12 km
  • Neighbours 50 m
  • Restaurant 12 km

More information

Drinking water 150 m (water pipe). Terrace is covered (unlike the photo). There is also a boat, but there is so much vegetation in the lake, that rowing is not possible.


Weekprice 342 - 624€, Weekend price 197 - 417

By selecting Arrival Date and Departure Date, you will get the price for the time chosen.

Included in the price

Additional services (not included in the price)

  • Bed linen and towels 10.6 € / pieces
  • Final Cleaning 79.97 € / pieces


Star rating given by customers 3.4 (based on 73 reviews)

88% of customers would recommend this destination.

Customer feedback: 60

  • Marika R, Kesäkuu 2024

    Mökki vastasi kuvausta ja oli mitä odotettiinkin. Saunasta sai hyvät löylyt ja ilmalämpöpumppu oli iso plus.

  • Jarmo R, Kesäkuu 2024

    rauhallinen ja luonnosta pitävälle oikea paikka!

  • Tomi U, Tammikuu 2024

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61°05507"N, 21°64139"E