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Destination in the surrounding area
Keski-Suomi, Konnevesi
3 + 4 persons, 60m2
2 bedrooms, ski resort 40 km
Weekprice655 - 1044€
Weekend price304 - 692€
Included in the price:
If Cancellation insurance • Booking fee 22€
Destination in the surrounding area
Keski-Suomi, Hankasalmi
2 + 4 persons, 39m2
Weekprice584 - 781€
Weekend price306 - 520€
Included in the price:
If Cancellation insurance • Booking fee 22€
Destination in the surrounding area
Pohjois-Savo, Rautalampi
3 + 5 persons, 49m2
2 bedrooms
Weekprice649 - 1003€
Weekend price291 - 511€
Included in the price:
If Cancellation insurance • Booking fee 22€
Destination in the surrounding area
Keski-Suomi, Konnevesi
2 + 2 persons, 45m2
1 bedrooms, ski resort 40 km
Weekprice500 - 738€
Weekend price226 - 491€
Included in the price:
If Cancellation insurance • Booking fee 22€
Destination in the surrounding area
Keski-Suomi, Laukaa
6 persons, 80m2
1 bedrooms
Weekprice540 - 772€
Weekend price243 - 448€
Included in the price:
If Cancellation insurance • Booking fee 22€
Destination in the surrounding area
Keski-Suomi, Saarijärvi
4 + 6 persons, 99m2
1 bedrooms
Weekprice1120 - 1242€
Weekend price557 - 617€
Included in the price:
If Cancellation insurance • Booking fee 22€
Destination in the surrounding area
Laukaa, Keski-Suomi, Laajavuori
Keski-Suomi, Laukaa
4 + 2 persons, 62m2
2 bedrooms, ski resort 44 km
Weekprice686 - 686€
Weekend price328€
Included in the price:
If Cancellation insurance • Booking fee 22€
Destination in the surrounding area
Saarijärvi/Lannevesi, Saarijärvi, Keski-Suomi
Keski-Suomi, Saarijärvi
2 persons, 35m2
Weekprice391 - 690€
Weekend price261 - 460€
Included in the price:
If Cancellation insurance • Booking fee 22€
Destination in the surrounding area
Keski-Suomi, Äänekoski
2 + 3 persons, 38m2
Weekprice550 - 1081€
Weekend price315 - 609€
Included in the price:
If Cancellation insurance • Booking fee 22€
Destination in the surrounding area
Keski-Suomi, Viitasaari
2 + 5 persons, 139m2
1 bedrooms
Weekprice1021 - 1615€
Weekend price685 - 1154€
Included in the price:
If Cancellation insurance • Booking fee 22€ • Final Cleaning • Hot tub
Destination in the surrounding area
Keski-Suomi, Saarijärvi
2 + 6 persons, 60m2
Weekprice832 - 922€
Weekend price417 - 461€
Included in the price:
If Cancellation insurance • Booking fee 22€
Destination in the surrounding area
Keski-Suomi, Saarijärvi
4 + 3 persons, 120m2
2 bedrooms, ski resort 9 km
Weekprice903 - 1330€
Weekend price530 - 1037€
Included in the price:
If Cancellation insurance • Booking fee 22€ • Final Cleaning
Destination in the surrounding area
Keski-Suomi, Konnevesi
5 + 1 persons, 49m2
1 bedrooms
Weekprice553 - 768€
Weekend price272 - 581€
Included in the price:
If Cancellation insurance • Booking fee 22€
Destination in the surrounding area
Keski-Suomi, Äänekoski
2 + 2 persons, 42m2
1 bedrooms
Weekprice379 - 530€
Weekend price253 - 320€
Included in the price:
If Cancellation insurance • Booking fee 22€
Destination in the surrounding area
Keski-Suomi, Viitasaari
2 + 3 persons, 60m2
1 bedrooms
Weekprice822 - 1834€
Weekend price365 - 1381€
Included in the price:
If Cancellation insurance • Booking fee 22€
Destination in the surrounding area
Keski-Suomi, Konnevesi
4 persons, 42m2
ski resort 40 km
Weekprice497 - 733€
Weekend price284 - 336€
Included in the price:
If Cancellation insurance • Booking fee 22€
Destination in the surrounding area
Saarijärvi/Lannevesi, Saarijärvi, Keski-Suomi
Keski-Suomi, Saarijärvi
2 + 2 persons, 40m2
1 bedrooms
Weekprice508 - 819€
Weekend price337 - 544€
Included in the price:
If Cancellation insurance • Booking fee 22€
Destination in the surrounding area
Keski-Suomi, Äänekoski
4 + 2 persons, 26m2
1 bedrooms
Weekprice245 - 427€
Weekend price116 - 287€
Included in the price:
If Cancellation insurance • Booking fee 22€
Destination in the surrounding area
Saarijärvi/Lannevesi, Saarijärvi, Keski-Suomi
Keski-Suomi, Saarijärvi
2 + 4 persons, 60m2
1 bedrooms, ski resort 13 km
Weekprice711 - 1238€
Weekend price469 - 816€
Included in the price:
If Cancellation insurance • Booking fee 22€
Destination in the surrounding area
Uurainen, Keski-Suomi, Laajavuori
Keski-Suomi, Uurainen
4 + 2 persons, 120m2
2 bedrooms, ski resort 15 km
Weekprice681 - 1320€
Weekend price399 - 865€
Included in the price:
If Cancellation insurance • Booking fee 22€
Destination in the surrounding area
Keski-Suomi, Konnevesi
5 persons, 75m2
1 bedrooms
Weekprice497 - 929€
Weekend price224 - 617€
Included in the price:
If Cancellation insurance • Booking fee 22€
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