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Destination in the surrounding area
Pirkanmaa, Ikaalinen
6 persons, 99m2
3 bedrooms
Weekprice619 - 1140€
Weekend price277 - 755€
Included in the price:
If Cancellation insurance • Booking fee 22€
Destination in the surrounding area
Pirkanmaa, Lempäälä
2 + 1 persons, 42m2
1 bedrooms
Weekprice276 - 402€
Included in the price:
If Cancellation insurance • Booking fee 22€
Destination in the surrounding area
Sastamala, Pirkanmaa, Ellivuori
Pirkanmaa, Sastamala
2 + 2 persons, 45m2
1 bedrooms, ski resort 0.4 km
Weekprice692 - 1029€
Weekend price310 - 454€
Included in the price:
If Cancellation insurance • Booking fee 22€
Destination in the surrounding area
Pirkanmaa, Ylöjärvi
2 + 7 persons, 80m2
1 bedrooms, ski resort 65 km
Weekprice740 - 996€
Weekend price391 - 755€
Included in the price:
If Cancellation insurance • Booking fee 22€
Destination in the surrounding area
Pirkanmaa, Hämeenkyrö
4 + 5 persons, 100m2
2 bedrooms
Weekprice1015 - 2121€
Weekend price602 - 1386€
Included in the price:
If Cancellation insurance • Booking fee 22€ • Final Cleaning
Destination in the surrounding area
Pirkanmaa, Ylöjärvi
6 + 3 persons, 108m2
3 bedrooms, ski resort 39 km
Weekprice922 - 1660€
Weekend price511 - 1352€
Included in the price:
If Cancellation insurance • Booking fee 22€ • Final Cleaning
Destination in the surrounding area
Pirkanmaa, Kangasala
6 + 2 persons, 98m2
3 bedrooms, ski resort 30 km
Weekprice735 - 1355€
Weekend price326 - 896€
Included in the price:
If Cancellation insurance • Booking fee 22€
Destination in the surrounding area
Pirkanmaa, Ikaalinen
2 + 4 persons, 40m2
1 bedrooms
Weekprice573 - 1020€
Weekend price258 - 677€
Included in the price:
If Cancellation insurance • Booking fee 22€
Destination in the surrounding area
Pirkanmaa, Ylöjärvi
4 + 3 persons, 80m2
2 bedrooms
Weekprice656 - 1042€
Weekend price374 - 729€
Included in the price:
If Cancellation insurance • Booking fee 22€
Destination in the surrounding area
Pirkanmaa, Ikaalinen
4 + 2 persons, 78m2
2 bedrooms
Weekprice548 - 1008€
Weekend price246 - 668€
Included in the price:
If Cancellation insurance • Booking fee 22€
Weekprice550 - 950€
Weekend price332 - 502€
Included in the price:
If Cancellation insurance • Booking fee 22€
Destination in the surrounding area
Pirkanmaa, Lempäälä
4 persons, 61m2
2 bedrooms
Weekprice511 - 733€
Weekend price230 - 488€
Included in the price:
If Cancellation insurance • Booking fee 22€
Destination in the surrounding area
Sastamala, Pirkanmaa, Ellivuori
Pirkanmaa, Sastamala
10 + 12 persons, 300m2
5 bedrooms
Weekprice5468 - 8735€
Weekend price2200 - 6556€
Included in the price:
If Cancellation insurance • Booking fee 22€
Destination in the surrounding area
Sastamala, Pirkanmaa, Ellivuori
Pirkanmaa, Sastamala
10 persons, 200m2
3 bedrooms, ski resort 13 km
Weekprice891 - 1165€
Weekend price456 - 769€
Included in the price:
If Cancellation insurance • Booking fee 22€
Destination in the surrounding area
Pirkanmaa, Ruovesi
6 + 2 persons, 120m2
3 bedrooms
Weekprice928 - 1674€
Weekend price523 - 1674€
Included in the price:
If Cancellation insurance • Booking fee 22€
Destination in the surrounding area
Sastamala, Pirkanmaa, Ellivuori
Pirkanmaa, Sastamala
2 + 4 persons, 45m2
1 bedrooms, ski resort 0.2 km
Weekprice981 - 1029€
Weekend price438 - 459€
Included in the price:
If Cancellation insurance • Booking fee 22€ • Bed linen • Final Cleaning
Destination in the surrounding area
Pirkanmaa, Tampere
2 + 2 persons, 120m2
1 bedrooms
Weekprice782 - 1149€
Weekend price381 - 781€
Included in the price:
If Cancellation insurance • Booking fee 22€ • Final Cleaning
Weekprice619 - 1078€
Weekend price342€
Included in the price:
If Cancellation insurance • Booking fee 22€
Destination in the surrounding area
Pirkanmaa, Lempäälä
6 + 2 persons, 80m2
3 bedrooms
Weekprice1122 - 1591€
Weekend price561 - 644€
Included in the price:
If Cancellation insurance • Booking fee 22€
Destination in the surrounding area
Pirkanmaa, Lempäälä
2 + 2 persons, 45m2
Weekprice646 - 960€
Weekend price365 - 632€
Included in the price:
If Cancellation insurance • Booking fee 22€
Destination in the surrounding area
Pirkanmaa, Tampere
1 + 5 persons, 85m2
2 bedrooms
Weekprice740 - 1193€
Weekend price330 - 791€
Included in the price:
If Cancellation insurance • Booking fee 22€
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